How to Draw a House Plan in Autocad 2013 TUTORIAL

AutoCAD Tutorials

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Welcome to CG Online Tutorials - This is part i in the tutorial serial on creating flooring plan in AutoCAD. In this part of tutorial we are going to learn how to create the walls by using offset, trim, fillet, extend, etc., commands.

Creating Floor Plan Tutorial in AutoCAD – Part One – Creating Walls - Tutorial for beginners

Written by Srinivas
Monday, xvi September 2013
Category AutoCAD - Basic and Drafting

Hello and welcome, my name is Srinivas and I have created this tutorial serial on creating a simple Floor Program using AutoCAD 2010 application. This is the start role of the tutorial and here we are going to discuss more about how to start up the application and we are going to learn to create the cartoon from scratch and also learn to make necessary changes to the work space like by setting up the drawing limits and too make changes to the toolbars and we shall besides talk over few things about customization part earlier starting our drawing like setting up the units and edit command aliases (acad.php) file and we shall learn to utilise several means by which you can create the floor plan and and then on.

First of all y'all have to install AutoCAD on your computer, you can get a trail copy from Autodesk company every bit they provide a trail copy which tin can be used for a month and later you have to purchase the license if you find the awarding useful or else you have to uninstall the program from your computer. You tin find the link for trail version of AutoCAD in the domicile page of Autodesk website. If you do non discover it in the home page you lot have to just scan through the Products page where yous volition be able to discover the trail version download link for AutoCAD application.

After installing the AutoCAD application we shall start creating the floor plan, merely before going ahead I want to let you know that there are several means to create a drawing in AutoCAD. Y'all can offset creating a floor program by using a Rectangle or a Line or a Multiline. Nigh of the time I feel comfortable using Line to create a flooring program, just I volition as well show you lot how we can utilize other objects like Rectangle or Multiline to create the same drawing at the initial part of this tutorial so that you tin decide the best matter that is suitable for you lot. So let usa start with this tutorial and become ahead creating a simple floor plan. Start and foremost that we should practise is, nosotros have to first draw a rough sketch in a piece of paper. In which nosotros have to show what the dimensions would exist and how the layout of the floor plan should be. Based on that sketch nosotros are going to start creating the floor plan in AutoCAD. I have drawn a rough sketch in a paper and I got information technology scanned and same I have posted below. As you tin see the below image yous take a crude idea almost the layout of the floor plan.

Step 1

As I take already created a rough sketch of the floor program, permit usa starting time creating the aforementioned in AutoCAD. Commencement allow us create a rectangle with 26'iii" X 32'3" dimension, which is the outer dimension of the floor plan. I am going to use 'Rec' and 'offset' commands to complete the basic shape of the floor plan as shown beneath.

Figure 1.
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How to Draw a House Plan in Autocad 2013 TUTORIAL

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